
Monday, March 5, 2012

Blog Awards!

Today's the day-Blog Award's for my English 455 Living Writers class are here! I have lovedlearning about and interacting with each other through our blogs. Here's my personal votes right now:

Best personal blog: Jack's Some trans lady   Jack shares with us his experience as a transgendered woman. This is the most honest and inspiring blog I think I have ever encountered. It is hard enough for a person to confess to one's wrongdoings in the first place, but Jack does it wholeheartedly with immense apology throughout his posts. She also shares her fears/struggles in the present and future. I also give Jack the most improved award for The The Bad Brew Review in which Jack gives us reviews of bad, cheap alcoholic drinks with humorous stories involving his experience drinking them. Jack's honesty and passion in his past blog comes through loud and clear.

Best design/visual: Charity's Six and a writer. This blog stuck out to me because it is different, visually, from all my other classmates' blogs.Charity's homepage strays from the typical  layout with a simple title at the top and one after another blog post down as you scroll down the page. Instead we see just a sample of the past three texts that Charity has posted including a picture, title, and a little excerpt into what we are about to read. No scrolling! All of her posts are very clean and crisp with wonderful vintage family photos.

Best hobby/specific blog: Kristina's Hyperderby. This blog manages to be extremely fun and exciting as well as informative and captivating at the same time. I knew pretty much nothing about roller derby except, of course from Ellen Page's movie "Whip It". I did love this movie, though so of course I knew I would enjoy learning about Kristina's experience with the sport. She includes informative pictures and videos about roller derby and tells her about her favorite players, teams, and aspects of the game itself.

Most Interactive Blog: Kacie's Kinship. I have been following Kacie's blog since the very beginning and always love reading her posts! Although I can't relate to her on a family/kinship level, I always feel fully engaged following her on her family missions to the supermarket, holiday excursions, and even just when she is at home caring for the young ones. She includes adorable photos of her nephews who are constantly causing trouble! Normally I'm not a huge fan of chaos causing kids but Kacie makes it hard for me to not be!

Most likely to succeed: Natalie's My Cat Thinks I'm Funny. This blog has been a class favorite throughout the entire quarter with good reason. Her posts never fail to crack me up. Her quirky and slightly snarky voice which she uses to comment on awkward and sometimes disturbing incidents makes for hilarious topic discussions. She talks about those things that all young adults thinks and wonders about but refuses to talk about. Probably not everyone can relate, but I guarantee everyone will love Natalie's blog.

1 comment:

  1. "Although I can't relate to her on a family/kinship level, I always feel fully engaged following her on her family missions to the supermarket, holiday excursions, and even just when she is at home caring for the young ones."

    Thanks for your vote Alison! I am glad you can relate to my blog despite the different family structures. I have really enjoyed your blog and hope you consider maintaining your traz dream journal when class ends!
