
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Butt Scoot

The first thing that my mother whispers to me when I come downstairsin the morning is "Alison...are you wearing shoes...?"  I was not. A putrid odor wafts into my nostrils as my mother notifies me that our dog Ollie needs his anal glands "expressed".

I look down and see the poodle, his front paws resting in between his hind legs. He has that shameful look on his face that lets me know he has just done something grossly disturbing. The butt scoot.

In case you don't know, when a dog's anal sac is too full he becomes uncomfortable and drags his butt across the floor in an attempt to empty them. Poor, backed up Ollie.

My mother called the local vet while I was eating breakfast (she had already cleaned up the mess) and Ollie was expressed later that day. Anal sac all empty now! He kind of still smells, but this may be due to something else. He's a rather dirty animal.

Hey guys what's up?
I'll just be going now...


  1. OH DON'T WORRY this apparently happens to cats too. Or my cat just hates me. But in any case, for a few weeks last year he polluted my apartment with that God-awful smell until I took him to the vet for just such a procedure. I love the pictures, they really capture the shame and confusion of being a stinky pet.

    1. This happens to cats too?? I had no idea! I have yet to experience this with my two cats, I hope I never have to!

  2. Dogs also scoot their butts when they have worms... I can't tell you how many times I've had to examine Hugo's feces looking for little bugs. Then I have to wrap his medicine in bleu cheese.

    The things we do for our pets.

  3. My brother's dog has this problem, but out of all of the pets I've had, which is three dogs (not at the same time) and one cat, we have never had to do any anal sac drainage. There have been butt scoots, but they were infrequent and generally not cause for worry. Only once has a dog left a streak behind them, and she was sick so it was excused.

  4. One of many plausible arguments for wood floors.
