
Friday, January 27, 2012

Shout out to English 455

Shout out to my classmates, English 455 class! Here's just a few of their wonderful work

1. Hyperderby
This blog follows a young woman through her adventures on a roller derby team in Bellingham, The Cog Blockers. The author of this blog is very honest and inspiring. She gives us personal accounts of her past experiences as a dancer and how she got to where she is today. I also used to want to become a professional dancer, but turned towards sports instead. In one post, she shares with us her food and exercise goals. She makes me feel a little better about eating 3 lbs ish of chocolate every day!

2. My Cat Thinks I'm funny
This post is absolutely HILARIOUS
A college student shares her experiences and tips with us that she has learned in her recent years. She has a open, sarcastic voice that is very easy to relate to. You'll say "Oh my gosh, I totally know what she's talking about" for EVERY post! She also has an adorable orange kitten that she adopted (to match her ginger hair, she says). I stick my cats in my shirts just like her!

3. Sixty-six places I'll never see

This is a blog about the fictional places is stories which the author wishes to travel to. Her latest post describes the wonderful "Baba Yaga's hut", fairy godmother who eats children! Can it get any better than that? I think I'll be going with her on this adventure. I LOVE reading and writing about creepy fictional things! She also includes what brings her to find new fictional places to visit. For example, the event of her friend moving brought about the wonderful "Baba Yaga" post. I can't wait to read more!

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